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About Our Imam

Imam Zubair Sidyot
Meet Our Imam!
Molana Zubair grew up in Saskatchewan. He lived in Regina until 2008 and by age 9, he had completed the memorization of the Holy Quran in India. He later moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where he graduated highschool.
After completing Highschool, Molana Zubair began his studies in Islamic Theology in the year 2015 at Jamia Mazhar UL Saadah in Gujarat, India.
In the year 2017, he attended King Saud University in Riyadh where he studied Arabic Linguistics and recieved his formal Ijazah in Quran.
In 2021 he joined the famous seminary, Darul Uloom Falah ud Darayn to complete his studies. Here he entered his final year of Dawratul Hadith and received his authorization in the 6 Authentic books of Hadith. He graduated March of 2022.
Molana Zubair has settled in Lethbridge, AB where he currently serves as the Imam for the Lethbridge Muslim Association.
Contact Info: Call +1 (306) 261-5570
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Advices From Our Imam
New Website – Imam’s Advices
AsSalaamuAlaykum Here you will find all the advices from the Imam of the Masjid.
New Website
AsSalaamuAlaykum We have activated this new design for our website in the hope that we can continuously keep the community...